Rain clouds gather during the rainy season in the Tswalu Kalahari game reserve, in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. The orange blobs in the acacia tree on the right are the nests of the white-browed sparrow weaver, Plocepasser mahali. Each nest, woven from dry grass, may be home to up to 14 related individuals, but only one pair will breed. The other birds are "helpers" who ensure that the alpha birds' offspring are well fed.
The sparrow weavers' unusual domestic arrangements are not only interesting in their own right, but might help researchers unravel one of the biggest of biological mysteries: how ageing works.
Here a group of sparrow weavers perch in front of their nest at evening.
Andy Young at the University of Exeter, UK, has been studying cooperation and conflict in 30 Kalahari sparrow weaver families for the past four years. His team monitors the little birds closely throughout their lives, gathering detailed information on each individual as an egg, nestling, fledgling, helper and (if it achieves dominance) breeder.
A typical field day includes long hours spent driving to the weavers' communal nests to make behavioural observations and monitor the progress of eggs and chicks. Each bird is fitted with a unique combination of coloured plastic rings that allows researchers to identify it.
The Kalahari is a tough place to survive. A single pair of sparrow weavers might struggle to find enough food for their offspring. That's probably why the birds live communally: a large group is more likely to successfully rear young. The helper birds miss out on young of their own, but at least the genes they share with the alpha birds' offspring will survive to the next generation.
Jenny York of the University of Bristol, UK, is recording the sparrow weavers' social songs. The birds use these songs to communicate about threats, helping them to defend their territory and maintain their access to foraging grounds. This cooperative approach helps them eke out a living in the unforgiving environment.
At just under three weeks old, this nestling is almost ready to fledge. Sparrow weavers' chicks hatch with their eyes closed, unable to fly or to feed themselves. But whereas most birds are fed by one or both parents until they're fledged, the sparrow weavers are fed crickets and caterpillars by the helper birds.
If the helper birds are banking on their shared genes being passed on to the next generation, you would expect them to work harder to feed closely related young. Young and his team are checking this by monitoring breeding very closely, setting up video cameras to record how many visits each bird makes to the nestlings. But gathering food is hard work: does the structure of sparrow weaver society mean that some have an easier life than others
The researchers want to know how the physical price paid by each of the birds relates to their role in their community.
To evaluate this, they measure the birds' condition, which takes account of both slow-changing features like skeletal and plumage measures, and those like body mass, which can vary significantly over a matter of minutes.
Here a researcher is using callipers to take anatomical measurements of a sparrow weaver caught while sleeping in its roost chamber.
The length of the tarsus bone in the leg and the length of the longest primary wing feather are combined to give a measure of body size.
This measure and the bird's weight gives a proxy for its condition. Small blood samples are also taken. The whole process takes a few minutes; then the birds are returned to their roosts to resume their night's sleep.
The blood samples are used to create a genetic family tree, and also to check for the effects of free radicals – highly reactive molecules that have been implicated in the ageing process. This read-out, from a high-performance liquid chromatography machine at the University of Exeter, shows the levels of a chemical called malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood.
MDA is generated when free radicals damage cell membranes, so its level indicates the "wear and tear" the bird has experienced. PhD student Dominic Cram is studying the long-term effects of free radical damage on the birds' reproductive success and survival, and the strategies the birds may use to avoid this damage.
The end of the field season does not mean the end of the work: for the researchers, there's still a long road ahead. After the season is over, they will analyse the data they have gathered, combining their behavioural observations, anatomical measurements and genetic analysis to unravel the costs and benefits of sparrow weavers' cooperative breeding system.
We might expect the alpha pair to work less hard when they have more helpers. But if this is the case, will it correlate with a decline in the amount of damaging free radicals in their blood? Or will it turn out that a life of (relative) leisure makes no difference? The results of the analysis will no doubt throw up further questions, which will have researchers itching to get back to the Kalahari for the next field season.
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